What's going on HWISS?
As you can see, the page has undergone a makeover. U like? Yea,,, I do too!
But umm... Now since the blog is in it's second season, it's time to expand outreach to more than just my Facebook and MySpace FRIENDS.
I've already created an open MySpace profile and I am in the process of creating a public Facebook profile so I can get a wide variety of thoughts and opinions.
This season, I'll also expand the blog to new social networks.
Every month going forward (or until I choose otherwise) will have a common theme. The theme for this month is "honesty by choice or circumstance." As such, each topic will be closely related.
Notes will NO longer be posted on FB, MS or other social networking sites -- only the status questions.
Reader's Responses
I have decided not to pic top 10 readers responses anymore. I feel that I may use some bias when picking some of these responses, so I'll continue to add outside responses as such, unless readers choose to be anonymous.
--- Anyway ---
Thanks for all of the support thus far! It's time to step it up a notch!
Where do you stand?
6 years ago
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