Tuesday, January 20, 2009

To the Other Man/Woman: Let go before it's too late

Most "other men/women" have no intentions other than sleeping with somebody who they find attractive.

However, not ALL "other men/women" are bad; some are truly caring people who have the intention of winning someone's heart. If you find yourself in this population, then this message is for you: Let go before it's too late.

Here's Where I Stand...
We can't control who we fall for --- and that may be one of the worst things about love. However, when it comes to falling for people who place you at #2 (or #3), then the problem becomes worse.

Let go! Why would you put yourself and your feelings out there to be somebody's #2? --- If you are satisfied with being someone else's #2, where do you place yourself in your own standards?

--- Let go: Stop stressing about someone who can't make up their own mind.

--- Let go: Stop letting yourself fall deeper for someone who doesn't see you the same.

--- Let go: Because if a person TRULY wants to be with you, then you would never have the title, "the other man/woman."

Point blank: You can NOT make somebody like/love/choose you.

Sometimes we get ourselves so wrapped up in our feelings and our hopes, that we forget the harsh reality of how things really are. It's better to fall back before your feelings get more involved and possibly, more hurt.

If it's meant to be --- it'll be.

Letting go is easier said than done. Holding on may actually work in your favor. Well --- maybe you'll just have a 50/50 chance: You'll either continue to get played, or he/she will finally come to his/her senses and choose you.

If a person TRULY wants to be with you, there shouldn't be any juggling between you and his/her relationship.

If you decide to stick with it --- the question becomes --- how long are you willing to hold on?

Where do you stand?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lack of over-the-top affection = lack of interest?

What's up HWISS?

I come to you tonight to talk about something that a few friends and I discussed a few days ago:
When the "excitement" of dating goes sour (for the extreme lack of words).

Dating -- if you take the time to get to know someone -- can be very fun and exciting, until the over-the-top things that you and your potential boo did to win each other's heart, goes down the drain.

And this ^^^ is exactly where the problem lies:

Statement of discussion
The lack of over-the-top affection (calling, texting or whatever you want to call it) = lack of interest.

Here's where I stand
Just because someone doesn't show the same amount of affection that he/she did at the beginning does not necessarily mean that there is any lack of interest.

I believe that most people go above and beyond to show the other person that they're truly interested (at first). After a while, however, he/she gets to the point where they don't have to try anymore. As such, you may not get the call every night before you go to bed, or you may not get the "Have a good day, baby" text message just because.

I think that we get so spoiled when things are "new" and "exciting" that we get upset when things become normal. As such, it's easy to assume that when it all stops, the person is no longer interested.

Maybe it's just me, but a couple that's been together for one month has a lot more excitement in their relationship than a couple that's been together for twenty years.

Maybe it COULD mean that the person isn't interested. When you're standing on the other side -- you have to ask yourself what you really want. There's a difference between being happy and being satisfied. If you find yourself "satisfied" with a person you're dating -- then there is no chance that you two will ever move further in your relationship.

It's okay to want "more." After all, we deserve the best for ourselves. Let's just hope that we don't find ourselves asking for "too much" when we have something great right in front of us.

Anyway --- I've done enough talking...

Where do you stand?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fate brings us together

Wassup HWISS,

I just spent nearly two hours trying to put my thoughts on paper -- but couldn't seem to find the right words to explain how I feel. I don't know WHY I feel this way, but I do know THAT I feel this way. Here goes everything:

You see --- I believe that it is fate that ultimately brings people together/pulls people apart. Everyone comes in/out of your life for a reason. They all serve a specific purpose in your life whether you are satisfied with the consequences or not.

In the cases where relationships go wrong, it’s important not to focus on WHY a relationship didn’t work, but to accept THAT a relationship didn’t work. You get the difference?

Worrying about why a relationship didn’t work out can lead to countless hours/days/weeks -- and hopefully not -- months of stress. Accepting THAT a relationship didn’t work means realizing that no matter how hard we/the other person tries, feelings can not be FORCED; it has to be a mutual connection that really makes a relationship work.

We spend our whole lives LOOKING for the “right person,” but are often disappointed when things go wrong.

What I’m trying to say is, “Stop LOOKING for love to happen and LET love happen.”

Relax… let things flow and let fate take its course. Have fun, enjoy yourself and if everything works out, know that there is a reason for it --- the challenging part is figuring out what that reason is.

Who knows – the reason might be right under your nose ;)

Where do you stand?