Friday, September 5, 2008

Here's Where I Stand...Still

*Where do you stand on certain situations? Be careful, your next decision may be one of the most important ones you ever make!*

Welcome :)

What's good everybody? Welcome to my blog! Yea -- I know, it's still in the beginning stages, but just hold tight for a while -- in a few weeks it should really take off. To get things started, I wanted to provide some background about the blog.

Reason behind the blog:

I decided to create this blog to express my thoughts (as well as others') about everyday situations we may face in relationships, work, personal lives, etc. I want to expose people to situations that may/may not be a part of their own personal lives, but may effect the lives of family, friends, associates or whomever surrounds them. I want people to ask themselves, "If this happens to me, where would I stand?"

Often, we're at points where we have no idea what to do, so we seek advice from others in hopes of being pointed in the "right" direction. While there's nothing wrong with that -- it is very important that we THINK about every decision before we make it. Very seldom are there replays in life's situations -- so whatever decisions we make, we need to stand by it.

The end-goal:

I hope to create an open forum for readers to provide their insights and/or experiences on certain situations.

Here's Where I Stand...Still....

You like the title? Yea -- it's tight, right? LOL

To me, the phrase, "Here's where I stand...still..." can mean two things:

1) This is where I strongly stand on the situation, and there is nothing that can be said or done to make me change my mind.

2) This is where I stand on the situation, but there still may be another solution/option/opinion that I have not yet considered.

As such, each blog entry will present two sides: "Here's Where I Stand," will present my point of view, and "Still," will feature others'.

So this is how it goes:

  • Early in the day, I will post a question on various social networks, asking for thoughts and opinions
  • Later on in the day, when I write my blog, I will include comments and quotes from readers to offer a myriad of opinions.
  • I will only post if I feel the need to. Either I will have a situation I'd like to discuss, or someone will bring up a topic for discussion.

Anywayz, thanks for coming through! While you're here, checkout the page (for what it is lol)

  • To the left, I have links to a few blogs of a few associates and "another useless fact," that will change every time you click on the page.
  • The bottom of the page has a few headlines from CNN and a brief "glance" into my life. LOL -- some of you may find yourselves in these pictures so be sure to keep an eye out.

And that's where I stand! Stay tuned for the first post!

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